Thursday 24 May 2007

Persepolis, a surprise win?

I am pressed with time today, however I am pleased to report that Persepolis, that French animation about the Islamic revolution in Iran in the 70's, has had a 20mn standing ovation at its Cannes presentation, the director Marjane Satrapi was in tears.

I talked about it a few days ago so scroll down for that and the trailer, I was predicting at the time that due to its original style and topical subject, the film could be a sleeper hit... We'll just have to wait for Sunday! The new "Triplettes de Belleville", with added political satire?

Obviously this film has attracted the anger of Iran, who has been playing political ping pong with the French governement, accusing him of interfering with the festival to ensure the film was being screened... The Festival is well above any kind of political pressure (or I'd like to think so...)

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